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5th Annual London & Region FASD Conference

2024-10-22 @ 8:30 am 2024-10-23 @ 4:30 pm

Please join us at our fifth annual London & Region FASD Virtual Conference 2024. This virtual educational conference connects clinicians, researchers, experts, social and support workers, and the fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) community to share current research and resources, facilitate dialogue, and promote advocacy. This conference is ideal for researchers, medical and allied health professionals, educators, students, families, and adults and youth living with FASD in Ontario and beyond.

This year’s conference title is: Neurodiversity Throughout Development: From Misperceptions to Understanding. Our theme promotes inter/cross-disciplinary partnerships to translate academic theory into practice and allow personal and community experience to inform effective research and clinical strategies. The conference proudly offers:

  • Current multi-disciplinary findings from pre-clinical, translational, and clinical research investigating neurodiversity and FASD
  • Strategies for evidence-based treatment
  • A customizable selection of breakout educational workshops
  • Information about resources, supports, and services for families and individuals living with FASD
  • Compelling and informative lived-experience accounts from individuals living with FASD, their families, and caregivers
  • Opportunities to meet, network, and build relationships with individuals passionate about understanding and advocating for individuals living with neurodiverse diagnoses, including FASD

We look forward to seeing you on October 22 & 23, 2024!