Meeting the Needs of Aboriginal Women in Ontario Corrections Through Programs and Services – 2015-11-17
This presentation will provide an overview of the programming and service strategies Ontario is using to address the needs of Aboriginal women who find themselves involved in correctional services; also how these
Mental Health Adult Pre-charge Diversion
When a person with mental health issues has committed a minor crime in Durham Region, the Adult Mental Health Pre-charge Diversion Program helps move them away from the justice system
Mental Health and Substance Use services for people released from incarceration during the COVID-19 Pandemic – Poster [2023-11]
The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent public health response severely disrupted the delivery of mental health and substance use services. This had a significant impact on the lives of people being
Mental Health Courts – Finding Institutional Resilience and Promoting Justice – Keynote – Heather Perkins-McVey – 2015-11
Specialized Courts have been a fixture of the criminal justice system for almost 20 years. In the same way that personal resilience is important to one’s well being so is institutional resilience
Mental Health Courts in Ontario
Mental health courts in Ontario are not specifically regulated in their operation. There is no existing ministerial mandate to determine where they should exist, and how they should operate. They
Mental Health Diversion Program – 2015-11-17
People living with mental health symptoms or diagnosis, or a developmental disability may access alternatives to criminal prosecution. This process is known as a mental health diversion. If the Crown Attorney
Mental Health Engagement and Response Team(MHEART) – Why Crisis Response should be Multi-Sectoral and Flexible – 2019-11-04
After years of program reorganization, and re-deployment of resources to meet the needs of individuals in mental health crisis; and coinciding with the creation of the Northumberland County Situation Table,
Mental Health Training for Correctional Officers: An Innovative Educational Approach – 2019-11-06
In Ontario, overrepresentation of individuals with psychiatric diagnoses in correctional settings is well-established. Correctional officers play a central role in supporting individuals with mental illness. Nonetheless, the training that correctional
Métis Nation of Ontario: Métis History, Culture, and Justice [2023-11-15]
Presented by members of the Métis Nation of Ontario’s Justice Team, this session will offer the opportunity to learn about who the Métis are, who they are in Ontario, Métis
MHCC’s National Action Plan on Mental Health and Criminal Justice [2023-11-16]
The Mental Health of Commission of Canada (MHCC) is leading the development of an action plan to support the mental health and well-being of people who interact with the criminal
Mobile Crisis Intervention Team – Poster [2023-11]
Partnership program where mental health staff work with the local police departments in the area to attend to calls for service where a mental health concern is identified to attempt
Mobile Crisis Intervention Team (MCIT) – Development and Evaluation of Toronto’s Co-Responding Police Mental Health Service Team – 2015-11-17
The Mobile Crisis Intervention Team (MCIT) is a co-responding police-mental health program. This presentation will share the process of coordinating MCIT’s across hospital, LHIN, and justice/healthcare boundaries. The results of a mixed-method
Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team (Hamilton)
This presentation will focus on the development and outcomes of a new first responder model that pairs police officers and mental health crisis workers for 911 response in Hamilton, ON.
Mobile Crisis Response Teams Framework and Toolkit Webinar – 03-08-2023
As emergency responders, police officers are often the first to arrive on the scene and interact with an individual who may be experiencing a mental health and/or substance use crisis.
Mobile Crisis Response Teams in Ontario: A Provincial Framework and Toolkit – 2019-11-05
Over the past 20 years in Ontario, there has been ongoing development and implementation of collaborative crisis response teams that involve police and mental health and addictions service providers responding
Mobile Integrated Team – Creating Capacity through Mobile Response – 2019-11-05
The Mobile Integrated Team (MIT) is a joint pilot project between Lutheran Community Care Centre, Community Living Thunder Bay and Options Northwest. They provide a flexible and responsive model of
Mobilizing Communities, Preventing Harm – The North West Community Mobilization Network – 2019-11-05
This presentation will provide an overview of the Northwest Regional Centre of Responsibility (formerly the Northwest Regional HSJCC). It will explain how the Kenora Rainy River District HSJCC and Northwest
Moving the Wheels of Justice: Communication about Mental Health within the Courthouse
• To gain insights into enhancing communication when interacting with people with mental health issues.• To learn strategies on how to engage with people with mental health issues.• To bring
Navigating the Criminal Justice and Mental Health Systems – 2015-11-17
The mental health and criminal justice systems map – which aims to assist individuals who have come into contact with the law, their friends and family, and service providers, in
Older Adults and the Justice System – 2019-11-04
For the first time ever, there are more Canadians aged 65 and older than Canadians below age 15. All areas of the justice system are encountering the older adult population
Older Adults and the Justice System – Webinar – 2019-10-01
For the first time ever, there are more Canadians aged 65 and older than Canadians below age 15. As Ontario begins to feel this demographic shift, all areas of the
One Patient, One Plan – The Intersection of Risk & Recovery – 2015-11-16
There are a number of unanswered questions about how to best apply the principles and practices of patient partnered care and recovery in a forensic mental health setting and whether these
Ontario Pocket Guide – Youth Criminal Justice Act Canada – 2014
Ontario Government guide to the Youth Criminal Justice Act – 2014 Ontario Pocket Guide – Youth Criminal Justice Act Canada – 2014
Ontario’s Justice Centre Pilots: Uniquely Tailored to Specialized Needs and Community Justice Centres: An Innovative Community-Driven Justice Model for the Future [2021-11-16]
By creating tailored and innovative community justice models that meet individuals where they are at and respond to community needs, Ontario’s Justice Centre Pilots offer a transformative approach to criminal
Opening the Doors of Justice – An Attempt to Make True Justice Accessible to People with an Intellectual Disability Who Have Been the Victims of a Crime – 2015-11-17
Mark Pathak pioneered a model of work to enable people with intellectual disabilities engage with the criminal justice system as complainants. The framework provides specialist support to help witnesses prepare for the
Optimizing Collaboration between Hamilton Detention Centre & Mental Health Services Through the Use of CTO’s – 2015-11-17
In this session, we will discuss our experiences with community treatment orders (CTO’s), including the value and limitations of CTOs and barriers and challenges to using CTOs for mentally ill offenders.
Ottawa Mental Health Court Therapy Dog Project – 2019-11-05
Since September 2018, the Ottawa Courthouse has brought in accredited therapy dogs to interact with accused persons, their families, witnesses, counsel, courthouse staff, social workers, officers: everyone and anyone who
Our Freedom is Bound Together: Supporting the Release, Transition, and Care of People Impacted by Incarceration During COVID-19 – Session 1 – Bail 101:Adult
Presented by Legal Aid Ontario and Nikki Knows/Project OASIS, in collaboration with the City of TorontoFacilitator: Nikki BrownePresenters: Chad Skinner, Rita Roy, Evan Sarazen Legal Aid OntarioJune 5, 2020
Peer Support: Humanizing People & Services Along the Wellness Journey [2021-11-17]
Topics that will be covered in presentation: Introduction to the Centre for Innovation in Peer Support Introduction to the Foundations and Values of Peer Support Recommendations & Considerations when Implementing
Peterborough Bridge Modular Housing Program – Webinar – 2025-02-12
The Bridge Modular Housing project in Peterborough is a fifty modular cabin community that was developed by the City in response to a large encampment in the downtown area. The
Peterborough Community Support Court: An Evaluation in Recidivism – 2019-11-06
Problem-solving courts were developed to treat the root cause of criminality. Mental health and drug courts are two of the most common types of problem-solving courts in Canada. The models
Power Dynamics between Indigenous Organizations and the Justice System [2021-11-16]
Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples in Canada means restoring a degree of control in decision making to Indigenous organizations, and to acknowledge their authority in certain matters. I will go over
Provincial Approach to Community Safety and Well-being – 2015-11-17
MCSCS has been working with its inter-ministerial, policing and community partners on the development of the Provincial Approach. This work support multi-sectoral, collaborative relationships between local organizations/agencies to enhance the effectiveness of
Provincial HSJCC Anti-Racism Framework Project [2023-11-15]
Over the last five years, provincial and federal governments have announced their commitments to ensuring the criminal justice system keeps all Canadians, their families, and communities safe. Recent provincial, national,
Psychosocial Characteristics of Persons Seen in a Rural Mental Health Court Clinic – 2019-11-05
A presentation of preliminary findings from the implementation of a rural Mental Health Court Clinic (MHCC) established in January 2018. The MHCC caters to the mental health treatment needs of
Racialized Populations and Mental Health Court Diversion – Webinar – 2019-05-15
The Racialized Populations and Mental Health & Addictions Community of Interest (CoI) is a provincial forum for knowledge exchange and collaborative creation. Members of CoI will present on its most
Region of Waterloo Drug Treatment Court
This webinar will provide an overview of the Waterloo Region Drug Treatment Court. Drug Treatment Courts were established to break the link between criminal behavior and crime and in so
Reimagining Human Services Delivery – Keynote Address by Devon Clunis [2023-11-15]
The human experience is complex. Yet, throughout the history of responding to those in conflict with the law, we have applied a simplistic, isolationist mindset, resulting in detrimental impacts on
Reintegration Centre Inception and Development – Mobilizing the Community – 2015-11-17
The Reintegration Centre locates various service providers under one roof to address the reintegration needs of releases. In this pioneering model, it is expected that enhanced service continuity for men immediately upon
Release from Custody Program – Poster [2023-11]
The Release from Custody program was established to provide short-term transitional case management support to persons with mental health and addictions issues who are leaving detention from a provincial correctional