

About the Provincial HSJCC


To provide a provincial leadership mechanism to support the implementation of the Ontario government’s policy framework (1997) for people who come into contact with the justice system and who have needs which can be met by one or more of the provincial human services systems.


To exercise provincial leadership through the achievement of the listed objectives:

  • to support the individual and collective efforts of regional and local committees;
  • to identify and address provincial services and policy issues and make recommendations to appropriate Ontario government ministries and other bodies as determined by the nature of the recommendations themselves;
  • to identify solutions to systemic problems;
  • to promote consistency of approach across Ontario, while recognizing regional diversity, and;
  • to share information

History of the Initiative

 The Human Services and Justice Coordinating Committees (HSJCCs) were established in response to a recognized need to coordinate resources and services, and plan more effectively for people who are in conflict with the law. Priority consideration will be made for individuals with complex human services needs, which may include, but are not limited to those living with mental health issues, substance use concerns and/or behavioural dependencies, or neurodevelopmental and neurocognitive disabilities including developmental disabilities and dual diagnosis. The HSJCCs are a cooperative effort of the Ministries of the Attorney General, Children, Community and Social Services, the Solicitor General, and Health. 

The two primary areas of emphasis for the committees are:

  • To provide a planning table to bring together service providers to find solutions to the problem of the criminalization of people with the defined unique needs, and;
  • To develop a model of shared responsibility and accountability in dealing with this group of individuals at points of intersection with the justice system.

Regional committees were established to coordinate communication and service integration planning between health, criminal justice, and developmental service organizations within specific regions. Local committees provide input to these regional groups. The Provincial Committee, consisting of regional chairs and Ministry representatives, has been developed as a provincial planning body.

Provincial Strategy to Coordinate Human Services and Criminal Justice Systems – 1997

The Logo

Originally developed by the Simcoe-Muskoka HSJCC, this logo represents the union of the three divisions of the committees:

  1. Mental Health
  2. Developmental/Human Services
  3. Justice System.

Each colour symbolizes the specific division (green is Mental Health, red is Developmental/Human Services, and blue is the Justice System). The symbol also forms the shape of the trillium, representing that the committees are situated in Ontario. Flowers stand for growth, which describes the progress of these committees.

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