Mental health courts in Ontario are not specifically regulated in their operation. There is no existing ministerial mandate to determine where they should exist and how they should operate. They have therefore been operating on an ad hoc basis. With increasing attention from many government bodies on the importance of addressing mental health issues, the Provincial HSJCC, with support from the Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario Division, initiated a project to examine the existence of mental health courts in Ontario.
After three years of data collection and input from various stakeholders, a final report on the Mental Health Courts Project and Forum has been completed.
Download the report: Mental Health Courts in Ontario
On November 1, 2017, the P-HSJCC hosted a webinar to review and discuss the final report, the findings of the research and outcomes of the Forum. Download the webinar slides – Mental Health Court Report Webinar_Nov1_2017 or click here to access a recording of the presentation.