2021 Conference Presentations

Provincial HSJCC 2021 Virtual Conference

November 16-17, 2021

Keynote Speakers

  • Tanya Talaga
  • Elyn Saks

Keynote Panels

  • Dismantling Anti-Indigenous Racism within the Health Care and Criminal Justice Systems

    Katie Almond (Moderator), Probation and Parole Officer, Provincial HSJCC Co-Chair
    Candice S. Metallic, Principal, Metallic Law, Barristers and Solicitors
    Darryl Styres, Supervisor, Six Nations Grand River Correctional Services
    Marian Jacko, Interim Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Indigenous Justice Division, Ministry of the Attorney General
    Melanie Tibishkogijig, Mental Health & Consulting Services
  • A Discussion with Ontario’s Health & Justice Assistant Deputy Ministers
    Sara Dias (Moderator), Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Mental Health Association Kenora Branch and Co-Chair of Provincial HSJCC
    Melanie Kohn, Assistant Deputy Minister, Mental Health and Addictions (MOH)
    Susan Kyle, Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Criminal Law Division (MAG)
    David Mitchell, Assistant Deputy Minister, Youth Justice Division (MCCSS)
    Todd Robertson, Assistant Deputy Minister, Correctional Services Division (SolGen)
    Richard Stubbings, Assistant Deputy Minister, Public Safety Division (SolGen)

Conference Presentations

A2 – Ontario’s Justice Centre Pilots: Uniquely Tailored to Specialized Needs and Community Justice Centres: An Innovative Community-Driven Justice Model for the Future

A3 – Enhancing Engagement of Persons with Lived Experience Across the HSJCC Network

A4 – Crisis Call Diversion in Police Communication Centres

A6 – Power Dynamics between Indigenous Organizations and the Justice System

A7 – Skills and Supports for Better Futures: DBT for High-Risk Youth

B1 – Innovation and Resiliency: Working Towards a New Normal in Service Delivery

B2 – Harm Reduction in Congregate Settings: Opening Doors for Vulnerable Populations

B3 – A Virtual Forensic Family Education and Support Group: Examining the Impact

B4 –Safe Beds: Caring in the Short-Term for People in Crisis

B5 – Bridging the Gap: Programs that Intersect Forensic Mental Health and Corrections

C1 – Clinical Justice Program: A Pandemic Solution for the Justice System

C2 – Supporting Mental Health within the Criminal Justice System

C4 – Innovative Correctional Mental Health Initiatives for the Family Unit

C5 – Peer Support: Humanizing People & Services Along the Wellness Journey

C6 – Enhancing Addictions and Mental Health Care in Corrections

D1 – Decision-making about Youth Bail and Detention Admissions: The Influence of Geographic Location and Race

D2 – Expanding our Definition of Resilience

D3 – Community Withdrawal Management: Health Care Working in Partnership with Timmins Police Service

D4 – Forensic Mental Health in Ontario – A System Overview

D5 – Development of a High Needs Pathway between Corrections and Hospital


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