
Huron and Perth Local HSJCC

Goals and Key Commitments:

To provide forum to discuss issues of mutual interest and concern for the Huron Perth police services, (Huron OPP, Perth OPP, Stratford Police, Wingham Police) , Huron Perth Schedule I hospitals (Alexandra Marine and General Hospital and Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance) and Mental Health Service Providers (Canadian Mental Health Association, Huron Perth Branch and Middlesex) and Addiction Services, (Choices for Change).

Specific Objectives:

The committee will provide advice and recommendations on:

Standards, policies and procedures that affect addiction and mental health issues in the community, hospitals and within police services in the Huron Perth area

Training and education for members that will provide awareness of addiction and mental health issues and changing legislation. Such training is to be timely, relevant to the member’s job function and respectful with respect to addiction and mental illness

Identifying and sharing training resources;

Ensuring that an ongoing partnership is fostered and maintained with local Police, Addiction and Mental Health Service providers and their Consumers, that is consistent with mental health reform initiative

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