HSJCC Network Member Engagement Plan
The HSJCC Network is a dynamic, voluntary collaboration between 1,500+ professionals from across the human service and justice sectors. It is only due to the dedicated time and commitment provided by the members of the HSJCC Network that it is possible to work together to coordinate resources and plan more effectively for people with unique needs who are in conflict with the law. Given the voluntary nature of this network, it is very important to keep the HSJCC Network members engaged at the Local, Regional and Provincial level.
The purpose of the HSJCC Network Member Engagement Plan is to improve the participation and communication of members, as well as the flow of information between different committees. The Member Engagement Plan contains an overview of the membership’s current engagement level, as well as potential strategies for improving engagement within committees and with the network overall.
Download the HSJCC Network Member Engagement Plan.
HSJCC Network Knowledge Exchange Guide
Knowledge Exchange focuses on closing the gap between knowledge and practice. It involves connecting people who create knowledge, decision-makers, and practitioners with the goal of making relevant evidence more useful in the context of practice, policy, and strategic decision-making. Active knowledge exchange practices help to foster cultures of shared learning through knowledge creation, translation, dissemination, uptake, and evaluation.
This guide is a practical reference that can be used to share the development of knowledge exchange (KE) strategies for a range of HSJCC activities. It provides an overview of essential concepts related to knowledge exchange, as well as overviews of the HSJCC’s stakeholders and potential KE strategies.
It was created with the support of the Evidence Exchange Network (EENet). For more information about EENet, please visit www.eenet.ca.
Download the HSJCC Network Knowledge Exchange Guide.