Goals and Key Commitments:
To provide a planning table that brings inter-sectorial service providers together to find solutions to the problems associated with the criminalization, institutionalization & stigmatization and that relates to people who experience mental health, addictions and related conditions including brain injury and neuro-developmental disorders;
To develop and/or support models of shared responsibility and accountability in dealing with those people as described above, notwithstanding those special circumstantial, biological, environmental and cultural factors whereby there are either imminent risks or actual points of intersection with the justice system.
To develop integrated, coordinated and seamless service delivery components within the Human Services and Justice Systems that regularly and consistently meets the needs of this client population.
Specific Objectives:
Facilitate communication through effective linkages among health, criminal justice and social service sectors.
Identify issues with respect to service delivery and capacity within the local HSJCC
Address issues that affect client population directly
Coordinate training opportunities for all sectors involved in serving the target population.