The functional prescription is a tool that outlines the daily and weekly tasks and life skills that are expected for the client to accomplish and routinely engage in to ensure forward progression in their rehabilitation journey. It is designed to capture the activities expected to be accomplished within a one-week time frame. This allows both the client and staff to monitor a client’s adherence to the agreed upon expectations. The functional prescription is developed via a multidisciplinary and client collaboration, and it is individualized to fit each client’s unique needs. It is also designed to reflect the day-to-day realities and expectations of various community placements in order to encourage discharge readiness and successful community reintegration. We have found that functional prescriptions have also been a great collaborative tool for all multidisciplinary members to participate in. This tool is in the early phases of implementation and we have recently begun to collect data on its effectiveness.
Presenters: Dr. Anik Gosselin, Danielle Hicks, Matt Leblanc, Guillaume Tremblay