Introduction to Mental Health Co-Morbidity: The Rule, Not the Exception


A crisp introductory overview of the concepts and prevalence of co-morbidity in mental health through scientific and pragmatic lenses. Co-morbidity is not just an artifact of diagnostic frameworks but may reflect core processes which can affect real life outcomes. Cognitive behavioural phenomenological approach offers a window to explore this and organise the interventional plan to ... Read more


CBT Skills for Complex Mental Health Co-morbidities


The workshop will review methods to conceptualise co-morbidity in mental health, prevalence, patterns and its impact on the outcomes of mental health conditions. A phenomenological approach to Cognitive behavioural therapy is useful to delineate and formulate co-morbidity. This goes beyond the formulation framework of most therapies and often goes unaddressed in teaching therapy approaches. The workshop also ... Read more

$179 – $299