Over the past 20 years in Ontario, there has been ongoing development and implementation of
collaborative crisis response teams that involve police and mental health and addictions service providers responding to front line crises. While great successes have been seen, there remains significant variance in existing collaborative crisis models across the province which has created challenges in evidence-based evaluation and sustainable funding. In January 2019, a cross sector, multi-disciplinary team emerged to begin to research, analyze and collect data around promising practises from these varying models. This presentation will provide an overview of the Collaborative Crisis Response Model Provincial Working Group and their work to date including a draft framework and toolkit that offer core components and common approaches for successful development and/or enhancement to these models. These will support a more effective response from the 9-1-1 call through the continuum of services for persons experiencing mental health and/or addictions crisis.
Presenters: Christine Conrad, Lisa Longworth, Brooke Young