Mental Health Awareness 101


This is an interactive workshop that builds mental healthawareness and draws on empathy as a support strategy.The workshop objectives include:


Adolescent Brain Development: Myths and Truths


During the tumultuous stage of adolescence, the brain undergoes significant changes. During this period, adolescents are more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviours, seek out novel and new experiences, and ... Read more

$129 – $149

Stress Management and Burnout Prevention


Dr. Murphy is a physician, psychotherapist and hypnotherapist with more than 30 years of experience in the mental healthcare field. Clinicians who can benefit from this workshop, include physicians, surgeons, ... Read more


Anxiety: Practical Intervention Strategies


Anxiety represents our body’s natural alarm system, signalling the possibility of danger. When this response arises too frequently or intensely and doesn’t match actual situations of danger, it can interfere ... Read more

$269 – $299